Pointing Students to Jesus Since 1979


Download Spring 2025 Calendar

Download Spring 2025 Calendar

Our Mission

“We point students to Jesus so they can know Him, love Him, walk in surrender to Him and be equipped to point others to Him also.”

What is KLIFE

Fort Worth KLIFE is a nondenominational ministry that provides discipleship and fellowship for students and their families. KLIFE works with kids from Fort Worth and neighboring communities starting in the 4th grade and going all the way through the 12th grade.

Through a variety of activities—Small Group Bible Studies, Super K, MS KLUB, HS Hang, and other monthly events—KLIFE students grow in their faith while having fun along the way. They discover that following Christ and embracing His plan for their lives is the greatest adventure of all. Along the journey, they build lasting friendships and receive support from leaders and peers who genuinely care.

  • The heart of our ministry is Small Groups. In 6th grade, students have the opportunity to join a small group for the first time. These groups are divided by gender, grade, and school. Each group follows an age-appropriate lesson, diving into God’s Word to learn more about our Savior and His plan for their lives. Small groups meet once a week, with dates and times varying based on kids' and leaders' schedules.

    Each small group is led by one or two KLIFE volunteers, who are college-age or older and have completed an extensive interview process with a staff member. All of our leaders have been thoroughly screened and have signed a commitment to follow Christ in their own lives.

    Each small group has one or two KLIFE volunteers, college age or older, who has gone through an extensive interview process with a staff member. All of our leaders have been screened and have signed a commitment to follow Christ in their own life.

  • Super K is designed for current 4th and 5th grade students who have a desire to learn about Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him. Our time together is packed with fun games, engaging teaching, and meaningful conversations in small groups.

    We are incredibly thankful to have TCU students and young adults helping us lead your children. Our greatest desire is to see students fully surrendered to Jesus, and what better way to encourage that than through a fun, safe environment where the Gospel is clearly presented?

    To help reinforce the lessons at home, we send out a weekly email with questions that allow you to continue the Bible discussion with your child.

    Super K is every Monday at the KLIFE house from 4:00-5:15pm.

  • KLUB takes place twice a month from 7:30–9:00 pm at the KLIFE house for 6th–8th graders.

    Our time together includes dinner, exciting games, and impactful teaching. After the lesson, we break into small groups to dive deeper into Bible discussions. To help continue the conversation at home, we provide email questions for parents to engage with their students.

    KLUB is a place where middle schoolers discover that life with Jesus is full of joy and that Christ-like community is something to cherish.

  • High School Hang is our biweekly high school event at the KLIFE house, held on Monday evenings from 7:30–9:00 pm, alternating with MS KLUB.

    It’s an opportunity for high schoolers to take a break, have fun, and build meaningful community in the midst of their busy lives. We play games, share a meal, and create space for friendships to flourish. The night ends with a Bible study, followed by small group discussions where students can dive deeper into God’s Word together.

  • Events are another great way to introduce students to KLIFE! Some of our favorite events include:

    • Annual Dodgeball Tournament – for 3rd–8th grade

    • Progressive Riot – for Middle School

    • Winter Retreat – for High School

    • KLIFE Krawfish Boil – for High School

    • Holiday Parties – at KLUB and Super K

    These events give students the chance to invite new friends to KLIFE, experience exciting community gatherings, and grow in their faith and friendships!



For every 10 Christian's who step foot on a college campus, only 2 walk-off still professing to believe in Jesus. The overwhelming common denominator for the 2 out of 10 is that they had someone intentionally invest in them during their teenage years; someone like a KLIFE small group leader.

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This is a statistic that doesn't sit well with us. Teenagers are walking onto college campuses ill-prepared to defend their faith. When a college student or young adult shares their life with a teenager and transfers spiritual truths and life experiences they are far more likely to continue walking with Jesus through college.


“We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.”

– I Thessalonians 2:8